The Megalodon shark was one of the giants of the pre-flood seas! It could grow up to 60 feet long and weight as much as 75 tons. It was the size of a city bus and had a mouth big enough to swallow a rhino. It has now gone extinct so mostly all we find is it’s fossilized teeth.

You might be wondering, How could a pre-flood creatures like this grow so big? And how could they find enough food to eat?

Well, the planet was a much more luscious place to live before the flood. The atmosphere probably had a lot more oxygen and a higher atmospheric pressure. So life would have been much more abundant on the earth at that time. And huge creatures like megalodon and mosasaurs could have grown to very large sizes.

The fact that so many of the extinct creatures we find in the fossil record were so large shows that the earth has not always been like we see it now. This earth is getting old and wearing down. It’s not going to last forever! But Jesus has told us in the Bible that he is going to come and create a new heaven and a new earth is the very near future. That new earth will never get old; it will last forever! If you want to live in that new earth all you have to do is ask Jesus into your heart and let him take your sins away. If you want to learn more about how to do that, click here.

Megalodon pursuing two Eobalaenoptera whales. CC-BY Karen Carr

Below is a man sitting in the reconstructed jaws of a Megalodon shark:

Megalodon jaws compared to a man

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