Audio Books:
Below are some of our favorite audio books. We pray that you will enjoy them and be blessed by them!
- – The audio Bible with options for background music and sound effects.
- Audio books – Here are some of our favorite books, explaining the Bible, in audio format:
- Patriarchs and Prophets (the stories from Adam and Eve to David’s time)
- Prophets and Kings (the stories from king Solomon to Christ)
- Desire of Ages (The stories of the life of Christ)
- Great Controversy (The history of the Christian Church and Bible prophecy)
- Acts of the Apostles (the stories from the time period of the apostles)
- Ministry of Healing (a wonderful book about mental, physical, and spiritual healing principles from the Bible)
- Steps To Christ (how to have a living, thriving, relationship with Jesus Christ)
- Christ’s Object Lessons (a wonderful book about the parables of Jesus and their incredible depth of meaning for our lives today)
Arabic audio books and e-books –
Do you like e-Books? Here is a link to a list of some of our favorite e-Books that you can download for free:
Patriarchs and Prophets (Adam to David)
Prophets and Kings (Solomon to Jesus)
Desire of Ages (The Life and Ministry of Jesus)
Acts of the Apostles (The Early Church)
The Great Controversy (The Early Church to the Second Coming and the Millenium)